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Our blog about 360° marketing and beyond

3 min read
Guide: The Basics of Calculating Incremental Sales
When running a campaign or a promotion, especially one with a conversion or sales goal, it is important to understand if the campaign was...

3 min read
SMART Goals Framework (In Marketing Campaigns)
When setting up campaign goals, I highly recommend using the S.M.A.R.T goals framework. Why? Because. it. works. It breaks down the...

2 min read
The Long Term Game: 3 Brand Awareness Principles To Practice
Don't settle for just short-term gains in your business plan - think long term. We all know that an overnight success usually result in...

2 min read
3 Secrets to creating a local site experience
When deciding to enter the US market, your first move should be 'testing the water' with using either your current ecomm site or creating...

1 min read
Decoding 3 Marketing Acronyms
Raise your hand if you've ever come across marketing acronyms and thought, "Wait, what on earth do these mean?" Let’s decode three that...

2 min read
US Market Entry: The Marketing Puzzle (Based on Primary Research).
When I founded TAG Marketing, I conducted a primary research with global founders. I spoke with CEO's from Latin America, Europe, Canada...

1 min read
Why Should You Hire a Local Expert When Entering The US Market?
Why hire a local expert? In short: because a local expert is 10 steps away, while you might be 10,000 steps from your target 🎯...

1 min read
3 Common Mistakes Ecommerce Brands Make When Entering The US Market.
When planning US market entry from far away, things could look obscure, vague and scary. It's easy to make mistakes when you are across...
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